We will be choosing models in various age categories for these exciting opportunities:
Baby (0-2) – One boy and one girl will be chosen to model baby clothing/accessories for the Cutiepies Couture Website! (www.cutiepiescouture.com)
Young child (3-6) – One boy and one girl will be chosen to model childrens clothing/accessories for the Cutiepies Couture Website! (www.cutiepiescouture.com)
Child (6-12) – One boy and one girl will be chosen to appear on the COVER of an upcoming Twin Cities Kids Directory (magazine style advertising guide)! (www.tckidsdirectory.com)
Adult/Teen Male (13-30+) – Two male models will be chosen to model Men’s Fashions from the brand new Details Style Lab, recently opened in downtown Saint Paul! Images to be used for Details Style Lab website and/or advertising. (www.detailsmn.com)
Adult/Teen Female (13-30+) – Two female models will be chosen to be featured on the beauty website of Fresh Focus Natural Skincare! (www.freshfocusskincare.com)
Adult/Teen Female (13-30+) – In coalition with our “Fashion Designer Collaboration” program, four to six female models will be chosen for photo shoots with local fashion designer’s clothing and/or accessory collections. Images will be used to give these promising designers a helping hand in marketing their designs, and in most cases will be featured on the designers’ websites.
Rules & Regulations:
-To enter our Model Search, entrants MUST attend the April 27th 2008 Open Model Call event, where they will have their photo taken and fill out an intake form.
-There is no cost to attend the event or enter the Model Search. No experience is necessary to enter. All ages are welcome to attend and enter.
-Winners will be chosen in coalition with Model Integrity and the owner/staff of the local business that is offering the modeling opportunity.
-Winners will be chosen AFTER the event, within two weeks, and winners will be notified via phone or email of their being chosen shortly after that.
-It is the winners’ responsibility to be available for shoots and to arrive ready and on time. Shoots will take place within two months of the event. Shoot dates will be finalized with the chosen models schedule(s) in mind, based on the information provided on their event intake form. If a chosen winner cannot confirm availability after being notified for a reasonable period of time, Model Integrity reserves the right to choose a new winner.
-In all cases, winners are being awarded an opportunity for a photo shoot, exposure, and a “tear-sheet” to begin or add to their portfolio. No monetary compensation will be awarded.
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